
SzövegVilág is a 2D interactive animation produced for mobile devices. It was created on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the famous Hungarian poet and revolutionary Sándor Petőfi, i.e. the Petőfi Memorial Year. In close cooperation with designers and the researchers of the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design, as well as the museologists of the Petőfi Literary Museum, we have created this animation to be enjoyed by it's own or to be used as an educational experience, which presents the world-building possibilities inherent in Petőfi's poetry, the power with which words and poetry influence our worldview and how they shape our environment.

You can reach the project here: iOS App, Android App

Ágnes Karolina Bakk,
Anna Czékmány,
Anna Kádár,
Dorka Kovács,
Diána Sóki,
András Szabó
Art direction:
Dorka Kovács
Concept art, graphics:
Regina Vitányi
Balázs Buri,
Péter Kovács
Development, animation:
Botond István Tobai
Henrietta Kovács
Ágnes Karolina Bakk,
András Szabó
Production management:
Tű Fokán Art Foundation